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Tidy Repo

The best & most reliable WordPress plugins


Helpful Information

For each page on your site, access information that can help you diagnose and fix problems. View theme information, WordPress queries, PHP included files and style and scripts that are loaded in.



Easy Watermark

Automatically add watermarks to images uploaded to WordPress using text, a custom image, or a combination of both. You can also manually add watermarks through the Media library or uploader.



Post Forking

Create new branch of every post that you have and compare revisions, even between different authors. Then, you can merge together changes automatically. A good way to collaborate on and version control post editing.

Admin, Editing


SSL Insecure Content Fixer

Find the common problems that WordPress has when dealing with SSL certification, especially with external plugins and themes, and automatically fix them so that the HTTPS protocol is properly used.



WP Butler

Easily jump between common WordPress actions by typing a few words in an overlay text-box. You can navigate through menus, add a new post or search through your entire site with just a few keystrokes.



White Label CMS

Make changes to the admin section that fits your brand. You can add your own logos, rearrange the menus for different users and generally alter the look and feel of the admin panels.



Facebook Comments

Use Facebook comments on your WordPress install. Settings are available to customize the way the comments look and add them to any post or page automatically or with a shortcode.

Comments, Page


WP Help

Add a help section to your WordPress admin, which you can add posts too using a custom post type. Create a reference document for clients that can be imported and synced between multiple installs.



Download Monitor

Easily make downloads available on your site with multiple versions. Style downloads layout using customizable content templates and include with a shortcode, widget or function.

Commerce, Media, Premium


Uber Login Logo

Switch out the image on the login screen of your WordPress install with any one you wish. It uses the native media uploader to allow you to upload any image, then automatically switches out the header image of the login page.



Toggle Wpautop

Add a button to your posts and pages to turn off the autop filter, which automatically adds line breaks and paragraph breaks to posts in the text editor and can cause issues with formatting.




Get rid of passwords altogether by using two-factor authorization. Install an app on your phone and use it to pair your smartphone to your site, automatically log in from trusted devices, and block everyone else.

Premium, Security