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Tidy Repo

The best & most reliable WordPress plugins


Breadcrumb NavXT

Add breadcrumb navigation to your WordPress install. Customize the look and display of your breadcrumbs in your admin panel and then add a single function to your template files.

Navigation, Page, Premium



Access to a role and user management GUI and several tools to make the process easier. Create new roles and assign custom capabilities from within your admin panel.



WordPress SEO by Yoast

Access tools that increase your presence in search engines. Edit titles, generate XML sitemaps and edit .htaccess and robots.txt files.

Admin, Premium, SEO

Paid Plugin

Gravity Forms

Create new forms with a drag and drop interface, add them to your post editor with a shortcode or template files, set up admin notifications, and customize every step of the way.

Page, Premium


WP Migrate DB Pro

WP Migrate DB sync up local and production MySQL databases with one-click. It provides automatic search and replace, transfers over HTTP/HTTPS and easy push, pulls functionality using built-in API key.

Admin, Premium


Advanced Custom Fields

Make custom fields in WordPress easy and quick. You'll get set-up with a GUI for adding new fields, and functions to incorporate them into your themes.

Admin, Premium