The best & most reliable WordPress plugins
WordPress themes allow everyone to take a part in the design of a website. Even if you have no experience in design or coding, themes allow you to customize a blog and make it your own. But even though themes evolve all the time, one theme can’t have it all. Sooner or later, you will want to edit, personalize or improve a theme that you are using. In that case, these plugins will help you.
Want to create popups in the Divi Visual Builder? No problem! The Popups for Divi plugin will enable you to do exactly that.
The Gosign – Background Container Block plugin is a tool using which you can create a background container for holding all kinds of elements. It is perfect for the job because it has all the features you might need!
Wondering which theme to pick for your 2020 project? Here is some help with the top 7 recommended themes.
Easily add a simple message to the top or bottom of your page that only slides in when a user is on your site for a set period of time.
Build out modular content layouts right from the theme customizer, and scale up WordPress sites in minutes, without any code.
A theme options framework which features a simple API that can be used to add a range of customization options to your theme, such as a color picker, time, sliders, and more.
Choose any theme that you currently have installed on WordPress and duplicate themes. You can also create child themes.
The Timber framework brings the PHP Twig template system to WordPress, making theme development a easier with extendable templates and increased performance.
A perfect companion to Theme Check, find some common errors that plagues theme development, and easily find where in your theme file the problem is located so you can make it a quick fix. Check any theme installed on WordPress.
If you are developing a WordPress theme, you need to make sure that your theme is compliant with the Theme Review Guidelines. This plugin automatically checks to make sure your theme is up to spec. in your admin panel.