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Tidy Repo

The best & most reliable WordPress plugins


Better Text Widget

Automatically add a unique CSS class name to every text widget in your site. The class name is derived from the title of the widget for customizing styles.




A new approach to adding toggles to your site, using a custom post type to store all of the content, and then a button or shortcode to output it on your site as a tab, toggle button, or accordion.

Navigation, Page


Restricted Site Access

Access settings in the WordPress admin and add a single or a range of IP addresses, and chose what page to send users to if they are blocked from view.

Developer, Security


Sugar Events Calendar Lite

Set up events in a custom post type, with details such as time, date and details of event. Then, use a shortcode to add an AJAX-enabled, simplistic calendar to posts or pages.

Admin, Page, Premium


Advanced WP Columns

Create responsive columns in WordPress posts and pages using a GUI in the WYSIWYG editor with some very simple markup. Settings to customize output.



Query Monitor

Get a running list of MySQL queries on each page using a link in your admin bar. Groups queries together by different parameters and troubleshoot performance issues and errors.

Admin, Developer, Performance



Get a list of any updates made on your WordPress sites, including login attempts, new posts and pages, plugin activity and more. Filter activity based on action type.



Add IDs to Header Tags

Every header in WordPress posts will have a unique ID tag added to it, so that it can be easily linked to using a hashtag URL format. There will also be inline links for easy bookmarking.


Paid Plugin


Easily pull a stream of photos from your instagram account that you can display on your WordPress site in the form of galleries or individual posts with support hashtags and comments.

Media, Premium, Social Media


TinyMCE Spellcheck

Spellcheck used to be bundled with After the Deadline, before it became part of Jetpack. This plugin is a fork of that functionality to add it back to your WYSIWYG editor and can be customized for each user.

Admin, Editing


Social Sharing by Danny

Add share links for sharing on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook to the bottom of your posts and pages in WordPress. Very lightweight, and you can optionally load in icons with CSS and pop-up windows with JS.

Social Media



Scan your site for any malicious code or errors that might be occurring. You can use the plugin to monitor live traffic, block certain IPs from accessing your site and enable quick fixes for any problems that might arise.

Premium, Security