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Free Top 10

Top 10

Plugin Author: Ajay D'Souza

Vallery Henings

February 8, 2020


If you are an avid WordPress user, you are well aware that we operate in such abundancy content-wise that it can be quite difficult to determine which plugin is actually necessary and which one is just adding pennies to the pile. Some plugins are simply giving your WordPress a Rihanna syndrome, and without some, your website would be the equivalent of the confused math lady meme. So now that we’ve determined that, and your website is running just fine with all of the necessary plugins, you might think that your future is all set – but nope.

Eventually, you will have to spice things up, to make the experience of visiting your website as fun as possible. That’s where the Top 10 plugin comes in.

What is Top 10 plugin?

Top 10 is a completely fun-necessary plugin and a highly useful one when it comes to making your website pop, not to mention that it can help you better your content and expand your website. In its core, Top 10 plugin tracks page views and make Top 10 lists, allowing you to display the view counts, as well as your most popular posts. This sounds fairly basic and simple, but it can (and will) benefit your website in a variety of ways.

Top 10 plugin

First of all, psychologists have already discovered and established a term known as “the top 10 effects”. The top 10 effect is a phenomenon where people, regardless of their race, age, social status, and education, strive to lump things into round numbers and perceive everything else as inferior. That is precisely why people are such huge fans of top-10-something lists. Lists are eye-catching, fun to browse through, and they will capture the user’s attention longer than a single lengthy text. On the same note, Top 10 plugin will make those exact lists that you need your first-time visitor to see in order to keep coming back for more.

Once you know what your most viewed posts are, you can use it to shape your future content-creating. Being aware of what your visitors like the most on your website will allow you to push your efforts in the proper direction. Let’s say you are running a movie website, and you see that your users are clicking on your Star Wars rants way more than on your rom-com reviews. You will then focus your “force” on the beloved saga, rather than on the newest Noah Centineo chick-flick (mm-hm, that was a burrrn). The same goes for any other type of website you might be running. Top 10 will tell you more than any user’s poll or pop-up questionnaire ever could. Once you have Top 10 plugin in your arsenal, you won’t need a Jedi mind trick to make your users stay. (yup, another Star Wars reference)

What are the features of Top 10 plugin?

On top of having all of these awesome benefits, Top 10 plugin is also extremely user-friendly. It will count the number of views of your pages, posts, and any other post types you see fit in no time and without virtually any effort on your part. Furthermore, you can choose to display both your most popular posts, and the page view counts. Top 10 will also add two widgets for displaying a list of popular posts and for displaying count across all of your blog posts. Top 10 has a powerful API and is also fully extendable with WP filters and actions. That particular feature will allow you to extend the code base and even to further customize it by adding new features and tweaking existing ones. Top 10 is one of the most feature-rich post plugins on the current market.

Some of the most prominent features of Top 10 plugin are:

  • Page counter. This feature counts page views on pages, single posts, as well as custom post types on an hourly basis. The counts can be displayed automatically, by using functions or shortcodes.


  • Popular posts. This terrific feature displays a list of the most popular posts either for a custom period or for total counts. You can also decide how many posts are to be presented along with a bunch of other customization options. Shortcodes are used to display the number of views and the post list.
  • Widget ready. Sidebar widgets are available for daily and overall popular posts. Widgets are also highly customizable to control exactly what you wish to display in the post-list.
  • Top 10 includes two shortcodes [tptn_views] and [tptn_list]. Shortcodes are used to display the number of views and the post list.
  • Thumbnail support

Thumbnail support

– Top 10 creates a custom image size with those dimensions that are set in the Settings page

– Auto-extract the primary image in the post to be a thumbnail

– Use the WordPress meta fields to manually enter the URL of the thumbnail, and specify it by using the meta box in Edit screens.

  • This feature comes in handy for excluding posts from selected categories from showing up in the top list. It also excludes posts by ID. Basically, it allows you to customize the list further.
  • You can easily style the list through the output that is wrapped in CSS classes. You can use any of the included styles, or you can enter your own custom CSS styles from the WP Admin area.

Popular Posts Style

  • Admin interface. You can check out all of your lists from within the dashboard, and TOP 10 also adds two columns to All Pages and All Posts pages in the WordPress admin area.
  • Export/Import interface: This feature enables you to extort the count settings and tables to restore on other installs or on the same site.
  • Top 10 works with a variety of caching plugins. It operates with caching plugins such as W3 Total Cache, WP-Super-Cache, or Quick Cache.
  • Extendable code. Top 10 is super-convenient for developers allowing them to add features, change outputs, etc. easily.


If you go for the Top 10 plugin, you will help your users find your best posts quickly, and you will boost your page views. Top 10 plugin will basically give you both, insightful lists AND clout. This will result in a more loyal visitor base, more social shares, and more conversions – namely, all of the stuff you actually need.

Plugin Info
  • Downloads: 1,144,283+
  • Downloads trend (30d): +333.9%
  • Active installations: 20,000+
  • Rating:
  • Last Update: January 17th, 2025
  • Download Plugin for Free