The best & most reliable WordPress plugins
Display a box at the bottom of posts and pages with information about the author of the post, pulled from the user profile, and a list of latest posts.
Moderate new users coming to your site, so you have to manually approve each user, via email or within the settings screen, that signs up.
Specify a maximum size for images uploaded to WordPress. If any image exceeds that size, it will automatically scale it down, on the fly.
Easily access the metadata associated with any user on your WordPress site, and add, edit or delete it right from the admin.
The WordPress admin can be customized in all sorts of ways. Tweak the front-end and back-end settings for admin users.
Easily show content across a range of devices in WordPress using a simple shortcode for Macbooks, iPhones, iPads, and more.
Bundle together a collection of plugins from and around the web, then install them all at once automatically on your site.
Lets users upload their own custom avatars that are stored on your local WordPress site, instead of automatically pulling images from Gravatar.
Delay the loading of embedded videos from YouTube and Vimeo so that your page loads faster with increased performance and custom options.
Gives you full control over every aspect of your events list and calendar. Just add events and everything is output automatically.
Easily point a 404 error page on your WordPress site to any page or link, even one not on your site, with a simple text box.
Add a visual editor, like the default WordPress post editor, to any widgetized sidebar using drag and drop and a familiar interface.