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Free Post Status Menu Items

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Post Status Menu Items

Plugin Author: MRW Web Design

Jay Hoffmann

September 27, 2013 (modified on May 16, 2018)


If you find yourself switching between post statuses (draft, published, scheduled, etc.) often, you may want to add shortcuts for accessing each one individually. Post Status Menu Items does just that.

What’s It Do?

The plugin will simply add new menu options to your admin menu which displays each post status and the number of posts in each. So rather than just seeing “All Posts” and “Add New,” you will also see “Drafts (X)”, “Scheduled (X),” etc. for each post status. If there are no posts within a status, then it will not be listed. Post Status Menu Items works for all post types, including custom post types, but is only enabled on the “Posts” type by default.

How’s It Work?

Once you install and activate the plugin, you’ll be able to see it work right away. If you hover over the Posts tab in your admin panel, you will see new menu options for each post status, with the number of posts next to it. If that’s all you need, then you’re all set to go.

You'll be able to see your posts, listed by post status

You’ll be able to see your posts, listed by post status

By default, only posts will have the new menu items attached. Other post types, such as Pages or Custom Post Types, will not. If you would like to enable these options, go to Settings -> Writing. At the bottom, you will see a new section for Post Status Menu Items Plugin Settings. First, you will see a list of post types with a checkbox to “Show menu items for…” Select each post type that you want to see the new menu items for. 

You’ll also see a list of post statuses with a checkbox next to each if you would like to exclude them altogether from the menu. So if you do not want to see your inactive posts in your menu, simply check off the box next to “Do not show Inactive posts link in post type admin menu.” Do this for every post status you do not want to see.

Global options for Post Status Menu Items

Global options for Post Status Menu Items

The only other option is to hide post statuses in the Right Now section of your dashboard. By default, the plugin will add a new column to your dashboard, next to your normal posts and page listing, with a list of each individual post status. If you select this checkbox, then this will be disabled.

The plugin works with any custom post status you create with register_post_status or other plugins like Edit Flow, so you’ll be able to see them in your settings.

Costs, Caveats, Etc.

Post Status Menu Items is very simple, updated often and supported well. If you are having trouble with it, you can check out the Support Forums, and if you have any comments you can leave them on the plugin’s homepage.


Plugin Info
  • Downloads: 10,449+
  • Downloads trend (30d): -31.0%
  • Active installations: 200+
  • Rating:
  • Last Update: December 5th, 2018
  • Download Plugin for Free