The best & most reliable WordPress plugins
Add a distraction-free reading mode to any post or page, allowing users to view your main content in a fullscreen.
Display a box at the bottom of posts and pages with information about the author of the post, pulled from the user profile, and a list of latest posts.
Easily show content across a range of devices in WordPress using a simple shortcode for Macbooks, iPhones, iPads, and more.
Gives you full control over every aspect of your events list and calendar. Just add events and everything is output automatically.
Add custom field groups to WordPress with customized field types, like date pickers, repeatable loops, color pickers and more.
Create small blocks of modular content, then output them anywhere on your site using a widget or shortcode button.
Set up a private client section of your website where you can store pages, file downloads, and push information to, personalized for each user.
Hide selected posts from your Homepage, RSS Feeds and third party services on WordPress with just the click of a button.
Add a landing page homepage or maintenance page to your site temporarily, with a custom, responsive design and lots of options.
Automatically add an excerpt instead of full content to your homepage and archive pages and customize the output size and look.
Enable oEmbed functionality for CodePens in WordPress, allowing you to simply copy and paste a URL to automatically embed it.
Create simple product testimonials and then post them on WordPress using a quick and easy shortcode. Testimonials are left unstyled so you can customize it yourself.