If you're using the WordPress featured images feature, there might be a couple of reasons…
I never knew that I would be installing such a wide array of plugins onto my WordPress site. It is simply unbelievable how many plugins I have installed, and I have been using them for so long that I no longer can distinguish what are plugins and what are the main features of WordPress.
That is why I love this platform and its community of developers who create all of these plugins and themes for you and me to install and use. Even the creators of WordPress must look at some of these plugins and think to themselves: Why didn’t we think of that?
I understand that the people working at WordPress can’t think of everything and create all of the little features that each individual wants to possess.
You can download and install a plugin that does many things at once. I am talking about plugins that have so many features and capabilities thus giving you the impression as if you are working on a new platform. Or you can go ahead and install a bazillion (I hope that is a thing) small plugins that do one thing only.
That is where Background Image Cropper comes into play! It is small, simple, and it does one thing and one thing only and that is cropping a background image.
What is Background Image Cropper?
Background Image Cropper is a plugin that allows you to crop your background images (I know, who would have thought it would do that?). It is lite and there really is not that much that you need to know about how to use it.
It is very handy when you want to crop the background image to a specific size in order for it to look just the way you want it on your site. And honestly, I have been baffled that WordPress did not have this feature integrated already, but here we are discussing this plugin.
What are the main features of this plugin?
Well, not to sound dull or anything, the only thing this plugin does is allow you to crop the background image of your choosing. But at least, from what I have seen, it does its job very well.
It is a test plugin after all, and the developer will see if this is something that will become obligatory in all WordPress versions.
How to install and use Background Image Cropper?
Go into your plugins tab and under “Add New” search for “Background Image Cropper”. Find the plugin and install it by clicking “Install Now” and then “Activate”.
After you have done all of that, you should be able to crop your images to the dimensions that you want.
Alternatively, you can go and download the zip file and then proceed to install the plugin manually. When you do all of that, you can then go and enable it in the plugins menu and that is it, you are set!
I really don’t have to go into any details on how to use this plugin because everything is self-explanatory, to be frank. Simply choose the background image that you want to crop and with a couple of clicks it will be done and ready for use on any page of your site or blog.
Costs, Caveats, Etc.
There really isn’t anything else to say about this specific plugin. The only thing about it is that it’s, let’s say, sort of a “test” to see how people are going to use it; if they are going to be satisfied with this functionality and if it really is all that handy.
The plugin can be slow at times, but if it becomes popular and people like it, the developers will surely improve it to work perfectly on all WordPress versions.
Also, it is open-source software and is free to be used by anybody who wishes to do so. Meaning, there are no price tags or anything; it is a plugin with a single feature after all.