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Free System Snapshot Report

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System Snapshot Report

Plugin Author: Reaktiv Studios

Jay Hoffmann

January 17, 2014 (modified on May 18, 2018)


Sometimes you just need a server and WordPress debugging info quick. System Snapshot Report gives that to you.

What’s It Do?

System Snapshot Report generates a very simple report on the status and capabilities of the server your WordPress install is located on, and details of your WordPress installation itself. This includes WordPress config options, theme information, access to server data and PHP details. It lets you save this report as a .txt file, or highlight all of the data.

How’s It Work?

When you have installed and activated the plugin, visit Tools -> Snapshot. Every time you visit the page, the plugin will generate a new report based on your current settings. All of the details of your install will be listed in a simple text area with several sections.

The first section is WordPress Data, which has very basic information about your WordPress install. It will show your site URL and home URL, theme information, permalink set-up and post types and statuses.

The second section, WordPress Config, has information related to your wp_config.php file, such as whether or not Debug mode is enabled, and your memory limit. Useful if you keep running into a conflict somewhere on your install.

Browser Data gives you info on the browser and UA string you are currently running, which is pretty straightforward.

What your report may look like.

What your report may look like.

Server Data has an overview of your Server. It will tell you what version of jQuery, PHP and MySQL you are running and will tell you the server software you are on (usually Apache with some version info).

PHP Configuration lists out the details of the PHP version you are using, and which modules are on. It will tell you the internal memory limit set in php.ini, whether or not the Safe mode is on, and tons of little details such as if cURL and fsockopen are supported by your server, which can be necessary for certain WordPress functionality.

Last, the report will display the plugins installed on your site, with a list of which are active and which are not.

Another clip from the report

Another clip from the report

You can “Save Snapshot File” which will download a .txt file to your computer, or “Highlight Data” which will select all the text in the Snapshot box.

Hopefully, you can use this information to diagnose or troubleshoot a problem you might be having with WordPress.

Costs, Caveats, Etc.

System Snapshot Report is free and not in need of any major updates. If you do notice an error with it though, go to the Support Forums to report it.


Plugin Info
  • Downloads: 7,880+
  • Downloads trend (30d): n/a
  • Active installations: 100+
  • Rating:
  • Last Update: May 1st, 2014
  • Download Plugin for Free