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Free Simple Tricks to Elevate Your Website in Just a Few Steps

Simple Tricks to Elevate Your Website in Just a Few Steps

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May 24, 2024


Your website might be good, but is it a household name with millions of daily hits and $$$ in sales? You’re here, so the answer is probably not. Don’t despair —take advantage of our simple and actionable website improvement tips instead!


Improve Discoverability

People have to know about your website before they can visit, so making sure you’re up to date on all the current SEO best practices is a must. Conduct regular keyword searches and organically integrate the best-performing keywords into your website’s content. A few changes to the URL structure, blog post titles, and headings can put you on the map and in business.

Revamp the UX

You’ll want people to stay and spend time (and money) on your site. And tight UX is the way to do it. Look at the general layout, menus, and other elements. Is the site intuitive to navigate? Does it have a consistent color scheme that unmistakably represents your brand? Are CTAs easy to identify and enticing? If the answer to any of these isn’t a resounding yes, you have some rearranging to do.

Put Mobile First

Whereas desktops still dominated ten years ago, most people now use smartphones as their primary and often only online device. That means responsive design is more important than ever, and you should shift to accommodating mobile users before others. This includes accounting for screen limitations, choosing darker color schemes, and ensuring buttons are large enough to tap with ease.

Create Content that Matters

Blog owners already attract audiences by creating meaningful content that offers helpful tips or enriches readers’ lives in some other way. Businesses that adopt this approach as a part of their marketing strategies do better than ones that simply push their products.

Customers are wary and tired of aggressive sales. They’re also more likely to support a company whose values mesh well with their personality and preferences. Consistently putting out quality content raises rankings, builds backlinks, improves your expert reputation, and helps create a community more likely to repeatedly support your products and services.

Integrate Social Proof

Word of mouth is among the most powerful popularity drivers, and social proof is the next best thing! Integrating testimonials, a review section, or an unobtrusive notification whenever someone buys something all indicate an active website people like the visitor who sees all these indicators trust.

Use Strong Cybersecurity Measures

Not all the attention a growing website gets is positive. As its popularity rises, so does the likelihood of hacker attacks targeting valuable resources you collect, like user login details or payment data. Make sure WordPress is always up to date, and the same goes for any plugins and themes you’re using.

You’ll want to use a password manager for browsers like Firefox or Chrome to secure your admin account with a robust and unique password, not to mention MFA. Operating the site and other daily online activities require dozens of login credentials. A manager lets you introduce secure passwords for them all, fills these in automatically, and syncs logins from different devices.

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Speaking of, you should never administer your site from an unsecured network unless you use a VPN. The encrypted tunnel VPNs provide are indispensable for preventing eavesdroppers from tracking your online movement. VPNs also let you securely transfer files or manage the website from anywhere. Although, not all VPNs are reliable. Find the safest VPN that will fit your needs by evaluating the VPN comparison table on Reddit.

Optimize Speed

Does your website take four seconds or less to load? If not, you’re likely losing a good deal of your potential audience. You can try several methods to speed things up, from switching to a more reliable host through content optimization and browser caching. If that doesn’t help enough, consider a CDN to reduce lag.