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Free Iframely Responsive Embeds

Iframely Responsive Embeds

Plugin Author: Itteco Corp.

Jay Hoffmann

January 21, 2014 (modified on May 18, 2018)

Media, Page

If you are using a responsive design, chances are iframes are giving you a bit of trouble. They have a tendency to break out of their container and work in completely unexpected ways. Fortunately, a little bit of Javascript cleverness can fix that, which Iframely Responsive Embeds takes care of.

What’s It Do?

Iframely Responsive Embeds hooks into WordPress’ default oEmbed functionality in order to make iframe embeds responsive. This means that as the screen size shrinks and grows, the embedded iframe will shrink and grow with it. It also means that, as long as you are using WordPress embeds, the plugin is backward compatible and should automatically work for old and existing posts.

The plugin uses the Iframely API which supports responsive embeds from over 900 domains including YouTube, Vine, Facebook, GitHub, TED, and a lot more. Basically, if WordPress oEmbed supports a URL, you can pretty much bet that this plugin will support it too.

How’s It Work?

When you install and activate a plugin, it will start working automatically. You just need to make sure that you are embedding URL iframes correctly. It’s fairly simple, but here’s a refresher.

There are two ways to embed an iframe from an external URL (like YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, full list here). The first is to include the URL to a supported site on its own line.

Hey, so here's like a video.


Now it's embedded

If you insert this into any post or page, then view the page you will see the video has been automatically embedded instead of simply a hyperlink. With the Iframely Responsive Embeds plugin, this embedded video will also be automatically responsive. Simple, right?

If you can’t or don’t want to put a URL on its own line you can also use the embed shortcode. That will look like this.

Hey, so here's like a video. [embed]]][[[/embed]. Now it's embedded.

Again, if you visit the page then the video will be automatically embedded and responsive. That’s it, there’s nothing else to set up. The plugin replaces the default WordPress embed method, so you don’t have to worry about any conflicts, and you’ll get access to the automatic embedding of any domain that the Iframely API supports (which is extensive and ongoing).

Costs, Caveats, Etc.

Using Iframely Responsive Embeds is free and the API is open source. If you are having any trouble getting the plugin working, you can go to the support forums for help. And if you’d like to know more about the technology that powers it, you can check out the Iframely site.


Plugin Info
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  • Last Update: April 15th, 2024
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