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Tidy Repo

The best & most reliable WordPress plugins


Easy Digital Downloads

Sell Digital goods on your WordPress site with the ability to set up multiple payment gateways, bundle together multiple files, and track order and download history.

Commerce, Premium


WP To Twitter

Sync your WordPress site with the Twitter API and customize which posts should be automatically tweeted to your account. Control the content of your tweets, and change settings on a post to post basis with a built-in meta box in your post editor.

Admin, Premium, Social Media


Better WP Security

Gives you a list of security tweaks that you can make for your website in a variety of different categories. Also performs regular database backups in case the worst happens and you need to restore everything.

Premium, Security


Contextual Related Posts

Add related posts to the bottom of your pages, which are based on post title and post content rather then just categories and tags. You can chose which post types to add to, customize the output, or implement the plugin manually.

Admin, Page


Regenerate Thumbnails

Generate new thumbnails when new image sizes are added to your WordPress theme. You can regenerate all of your thumbnails at once, or chose just a few, or even just one image using the Media Library.

Admin, Media


Duplicate Post

Clone your WordPress posts from a few different locations in your admin panel, and customize the outputted title of the post. Options to edit a post right away, or save it as a draft and come back to it later.




Add command line tools to WordPress. Update your WP site, install one from scratch and manage databases without leaving the terminal. If you find yourself completing dev. tasks over and over, this is probably the right plugin for you.



Enable Media Replace

Swap out images and assets you have already uploaded without having to delete images and replace them manually. Gives you access to a new option in your Media Library entitled "Replace Media."

Admin, Media



Creates a simple feedback form, embedded in a responsive, mobile-friendly modal box. On each page, a Feedback button will direct users to a customizable form with several different categories.

Lightbox, Page, Premium


SyntaxHighlighter Evolved

Highlight code samples right within your post editor. Simple to set up, uses shortcodes to define code language, and lots of customizable options.

Developer, Page



Picturefill.WP provides an easy way to add responsive images to your WordPress site, using the Picturefill polyfill developed by Scott Jehl and automatic image sizing.

Media, Performance

Freemium W3 Total Cache, the performance plugin for WordPress

W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache is a "performance framework" that allows you to enable and tweak Page, Database and Object caches, utilize Browser compression, integrate with your CDN and plenty more.

Performance, Premium