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The best & most reliable WordPress plugins

Free WPBruiser


This is a WP plugin that promises to help you identify and block spam-bots and hard-to-read captcha images. So, let's quickly recap what the developer says about it to get acquainted.


Free Application Passwords

Application Passwords

Generate each application a unique password, and you don't have to reveal the user's primary password.


Free iQ Block Country

iQ Block Country

Using the iQ Block Country plugin, you are able to limit access to your website content to visitors from defined countries.


Free Simple Cookie Control

Simple Cookie Control

Simple Cookie Control is a plugin that enables you not only to do cookie control but also to create customizable cookie messages that comply with the EU cookie law GDPR regulations.


Free ninjafirewall


NinjaFirewall plugin is a great option for anyone looking to enhance the security of their WordPress site. Read on to find out more!


Paid Plugin WebARX Security Featured

WebARX Security

The security of your WordPress website is a constant worry? Get the WebARX plugin - and your peace of mind with it.


How to Safeguard WordPress Website

How to Safeguard Your WordPress Blog from Catastrophic Error

Many things can go wrong with your website, and having plan B is always a good idea. Here are our tips to make sure that your website will always be safe and sound.

Blog, Security

Free WP Mailto Links – Manage & Protect Email Links

WP Mailto Links – Manage & Protect Email Links

This simple plugin can protect all email addresses displayed on your WordPress site by encoding them. Simply install and active the plugin, and your email address will become safe from spam bots.


Freemium Security Ninja for WordPress

Security Ninja

Security shouldn't be complicated. That's why Security Ninja allows you to scan the entire site in just a click of the button, and tackles even the biggest security issues without requiring you to have a masters degree in IT.


Free Stop User Enumeration

Stop User Enumeration

Stop User Enumeration is a plugin that boosts your site's security against outside threats. It is designed to detect and prevent hackers from scanning your site for usernames.


Freemium WP Activity Log

WP Activity Log

WP Activity Log WordPress plugin takes care of the logging for your WordPress site. It creates a detailed logging mechanism and allows you to log all activity to your WordPress Database or any other external database.

Premium, Security


Gauntlet Security

Perform a security scan in WordPress that indicates common problems with your WordPress install or server, with solutions for addressing each issue.

Developer, Security