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Free Temporary Login Without Password

Temporary Login Without Password

Plugin Author:

Kaveri Bharali

December 12, 2018 (modified on October 7, 2019)

Admin, Users

There are so many times when you need to give your website access to people who are not even in the team that handles it on a regular basis. Especially when you do not handle the technical stuff yourself and need to hire an expert for its management.

Ideally, you are supposed to block their access or delete their account as soon as the job is done so that you do not risk your website security. But sometimes you may ignore the danger of keeping the access unblocked. As a result, your website is left open to serious data safety issues.

In order to save you from such vulnerable situations, StoreApps presents to you the Temporary Login Without Password security plugin, that creates self-expiring links for your new users. The plugin is specially designed to safeguard your business by blocking these new accounts from your site, after a specific period of time. Let’s learn a little more about this plugin.

What Is The Temporary Login Plugin

Temporary Login Without Password is an amazing WordPress plugin that guarantees complete security to your website by automatically blocking third party users after a specific period of time.

Every time you need to give access to a developer or a temporary user to your admin area, you can generate a link with the plugin through which they can access your website. For that, they will not need any username or password. The link itself is sufficient for the access.

The best thing is that you can set an expiry period to this link. The link will auto expire once the specified period ends. The role of the user can also be set which will expire as soon as the link dies out. So even if you forget to block or delete the user, your site is still safe from any possible threats.

Why Use This Plugin?

Generally, when you grant your website access to a third party you first create their account which usually contains a complex password. Just because the password is difficult to remember the user changes it to something easier.

It does not make sense to use a weaker password. But the WordPress support team is seen approving the action just to make the logins easier. So now although the user has an easier password to remember and log in, the security of your website is jeopardized.

This situation can be handled by using the Temporary Login plugin. It makes the entire process a lot simpler. Not only can you and your users get rid of the long complicated passwords, but you also do not have to compromise on the security of your website.

Furthermore, there is no limit to creating these special links. You can have as many as you want and that too without having to worry about remembering to delete them after the user role is accomplished.

Temporary Login Without Password Features

The plugin comes with amazing features to ensure robust security for your website. Let me list them for you.

  • Let’s you create self-expiring login links for your users
  • Log in with just the link without password or username
  • Assign a user role to your user
  • Set expiring day or time

Installation and Settings

Let’s have a look at how to use the plugin.

Installing it on your WordPress website is easy. It is exactly like installing any other WordPress plugin. You just need to download it from the WordPress plugins directory and then upload it to the ‘wp-content/plugins/’ folder. Now activate it to make it start working.

For setting it up, you will first have to go to Users > Temporary Login section. Now click on Create New.

Temporary Login Without Password

Create a new login link

A fresh form will pop up with blank fields and you are supposed to add the information of your temporary user there. You will also have an option to assign his/her role and mark the expiry day here. It can be with 2 days, 3 days or any number of days you want.

Temporary Login Without Password

Update temporary login information

Once done, click on the Submit button to save your settings. You will now have a success message showing up on your screen. Along with that, you will also have an URL that can be sent to your new user, through which they can have direct access to your admin area.

Managing Users

Once you are using this plugin you also have the liberty to manage the users on your website. Just go to Users>Temporary Logins page.

A list of all your temporary users will reflect on your screen. Beside every username, you will see their email addresses, the role assigned to them, last login date, and time remaining for the account to expire.

Temporary Login Without Password

Manage users

You will also see various symbols under the Action tab. These symbols offer you more control over your user’s presence. So you can use it to expire a login before its expiry, delete an account, or copy the temporary login URL.

When the job of your user is completed and the role expires, any posts written by that particular user will be automatically moved to the administrators account by default.


The Temporary Login Plugin comes free of cost and you do not have to pay a single penny to use its services. Just download it from the WordPress directory and start enjoying its features.

Final Words

The Temporary Login plugin is an absolute ‘must have’ if you frequently let freelance developers, designer, security technician, guest authors etc work on your website. Even if you don’t set a specific time mentioning when exactly to kill the link, it will gradually die and block the third party access by itself.

So instead of wasting your time remembering to block your user access, why not use it in something more productive? If you too share similar thoughts in this regard, download this plugin now and say goodbye to all the unnecessary stress.

That’s all for today. Do let us know if you have another option for temporary logins. We would definitely love to go check it out.

Plugin Info
  • Downloads: 1,282,824+
  • Downloads trend (30d): -3.6%
  • Active installations: 90,000+
  • Rating:
  • Last Update: November 22nd, 2024
  • Download Plugin for Free