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Free Plugin Notes Plus

Plugin Notes Plus

Plugin Author: Jamie Bergen

Umesh Singh

May 28, 2018 (modified on October 29, 2019)


Here’s something we can both agree on. It is quite challenging to remember all plugins’ purpose when you have dozens installed on your WordPress website.

However, there is no need to keep the plugins that you don’t need anymore – because it won’t help but slow your website’s loading speed.

I know what you are thinking…

How would I know which plugin is important?

This is where Plugin Notes Plus comes in handy.

What is Plugin Notes Plus?

Plugin Notes Plus is a free WordPress plugin developed by Jemie Bergen. It is similar to a sticky note that you can put on in front of each plugin you have installed on your WordPress website.

The plugin allows you to write the details of the specific plugins, therefore, you could know why did you install that particular plugin in the first place and how does it work.

This plugin provides an extra column on the Plugins page that allows you to add, edit, or delete notes about the plugins you have installed on a specific site.

Price: Free | More Information

How’s it work?

Getting started with Plugin Notes Plus is quite easy. Head over to the WordPress plugin repository and search for “Plugin Notes Plus” and install it.

After activation, the Plugin Notes Plus will redirect you to your installed plugins and on the right-hand side you will see + Add plugin note.


A small box will open when you will click on the + Add plugin note.

Click on the Note and a drop down will open and that contains the following options:

  • Note – You can write something about the plugins you have installed
  • Info – You can add or write a specific information about the plugins
  • Link – You can add a plugin’s homepage link
  • Warning – Add warning message about the plugin
  • Key – Add key points about the plugin
  • Checkmark – Add important points as a checkmark

All the options appear with a unique icon, therefore, it gets easy to remember them.

Once you complete writing, click on the SAVE and the information will save and appear next to the plugin.

You can edit or delete your note anytime you want. This plugin is important for those who have installed multiple WordPress extensions and easily get confused with them. Furthermore, there is no limit to the number of notes you can add.

Plugin Notes Plus’s popularity is growing day-by-day. The plugin updates quite often and has been installed over 200+ website in just a few days.


Costs, Caveats, Etc.

Plugin Notes Plus is free and still in its early stages. I hope it will continue on developing and that there’s a log more to come in future. It is one of the best note plugins to keep track of all installed WordPress plugins. It’s is lightweight and easy to use so you don’t need any expertise in coding to use it. What do you say?

Plugin Info
  • Downloads: 47,141+
  • Downloads trend (30d): +1,542.3%
  • Active installations: 8,000+
  • Rating:
  • Last Update: July 14th, 2024
  • Download Plugin for Free