Meteor Slides is a dirt simple slideshow plugin that keeps your WordPress site lightweight and…
If you have a site that relies on featuring a lot of images, be it your own photography, or just as a tool to get your point across like real estate, you’ll want to find a way to present those images in new and exciting ways. Simply pilling up thumbnails can get stale when there’s a lot of images present so you can use a slideshow to shake things up.
What is Easy slideshow?
Easy Slideshow is a free WordPress plugin that enables you to arrange your images in slideshows on your post and pages. Using this option, you can continually showcase your favorite pictures on a loop that are bound to catch the attention of site visitors even when they’re just browsing.
How does it work?
After installing and activating the plugin a new option will be added when you’re inserting a gallery to your pages or posts. More specifically, after you check the images you want in your gallery and are customizing the options you’ll get to choose if you want to make your gallery a slideshow.

Choose how to align your slideshow
There isn’t much more to it – it’s pretty straightforward, and you won’t get all the fancy features that some popular slideshow plugins usually offer. But you get to choose the alignment which other than the regular left, right and center include “none” and “background”. From what we gathered while testing, “none” is a kind of automatic alignment most similar to “center”. The background option, on the other hand, is interesting. If chosen this converts your images into a dynamic background that shows them in full screen – for the best viewing.
Keep in mind that the plugin relies on your WordPress theme, so if your site is set up like a blog that doesn’t feature backgrounds you won’t be able to use that option of the plugin. Also, as of this version (1.2), it isn’t possible to set the timings of the slideshow, so you’ll have to make do with the default ones.
Costs, Caveats, Etc.
The Easy Slideshow is a simple to use plugin and that’s, in our opinion, its most defining feature. The title says it all – it does what it says it does with no unnecessary fuss or muss. We can recommend it to anybody who wants to use simple slideshows on their sites.