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How to Enable Coming Soon Mode on a WordPress Site Remotely

How to Enable Coming Soon Mode on a WordPress Site Remotely

Vallery Henings

August 13, 2020 (modified on March 8, 2021)


Internet presence and garnering attention and hype is very important today. For years, companies offering services, products, and whatever else you can think of have been starting their marketing and promotion even before they have all the details down.

Why? Well, time is money, multitasking has become the MO, and saving time a necessary skill.

The idea is to promote while developing, or in other words, get two birds with one stone, because why waste time?

Promotion and marketing are dependent on exposure, and getting exposure is not a job where your presence is necessary. Just imagine a billboard or a commercial. Do you need to be present against your billboard every time someone passes by it? And do you need to be present every time someone watches your commercial?

More often than not, it’s not even possible. Most digital advertising and marketing campaigns count on simultaneous consumption. You set it up, throw it into the world, and wait for the results. And we all know waiting is obsolete in today’s business culture.

Promoting Your Website While You Are Developing It

Let’s say you are setting up a website for your services. You have a unique type of service in your town, and you want to prepare the terrain before you launch it. Or even better yet, let’s say you are a known brand but launching a new product or just an upgraded version of your website.

You want to engage with your potential or already existent customers through the duration of your site’s development. You also want to inform them and prepare them for the changes that are happening.

Apart from informing them and creating awareness, you are also building a relationship with them. Essentially, it is a chance to build more trust within your target audience.

The best way of doing this is by using a coming soon page. Just like a movie poster, the coming soon page is going to announce what your upgrades are all about. And the best way of creating a coming soon page is using the Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin!

Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode Plugin

Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode

This plugin is a reputable and high-quality product that will leave you with no worries about any incompatibilities.

It allows you to pick from more than 120 themes for your page and over a million images as well. Also, through the last few updates, this plugin has received some amazing new features, including remote control and rebranding, which we will get into a little bit later.

Once the Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin is installed on your site, it will appear in the Settings menu, unlike other tools that might appear in the Tools category or as standalone icons.

The Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin has a premium PRO version that has added features and capabilities. Well, actually, there are three PRO versions:

Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode pricing

The Agency version has a pay-once-for-a-lifetime price of $199. It is intended to be used on more than one site and includes special features like white-labeling that we’re going to talk about later.

The Personal version covers only one site and can be bought as a lifetime package for $79 or can be used on a yearly tariff for $39, depending on what your needs are.

So if you only need it for a short while and are not interested in the lifetime package, you can still get it for half the price.

Once you install one of the premium versions and enter the license key, you will then be able to enter the dashboard of the plugin through the “Settings” menu.

Controlling Coming Soon Pages Remotely

An important new feature that you can access in the Pro version is the coming soon page remote control. By using the off-site dashboard of the Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin, you can manage multiple coming soon pages at the same time.

You can access the off-site dashboard at the following link:
There you will have to enter your username and password. And once you have done that, you should see a page that looks like this:

Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode dashboard

On the other hand, the plugin dashboard you will be able to access on your WordPress site will look like this:

Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode WP dashboard

Obviously, if you have just installed the plugin on your WordPress site, there will be no stats to analyze, as shown in the image above.

The remote control feature we were mentioning a little bit earlier can be accessed from the off-site dashboard by clicking “Sites” on the navigation menu.

Sites tab

The off-site dashboard is superior to the one on your site for the simple reason that in order to control multiple coming soon pages, you have to have a removed base. But, regardless of having the off-site dashboard as a home base, you have to install the plugin on all the sites whose coming soon pages you intend to control.

Also, to have this feature, you will have to use the Agency version of the plugin, rather than the Personal one, since that one only allows creating a coming soon page for one site.

On the “Sites” page, you will see all the sites you can control. Pick a site, click on the “Remote Actions” button, and toggle the “Enable coming soon mode” option to enable or disable the coming soon page on it.

After that, you will be asked for one more confirmation.

Remote control option

Also, keep an eye on the OFF/ON button on your WordPress site. This controls the status of the coming soon page and will be available in the top right corner of the plugin dashboard.

Coming soon page on/off button

From the dashboard, you can also read the stats for a specific coming soon page. That is located on the far right of the “Sites” table, in the column titled “Stats”.

Coming soon page stats

By clicking on it, you will open a new window that allows you to track the statistics directly from the dashboard without logging into the site.

Designing the Coming Soon Page

As for creating the coming soon page, there isn’t an easier thing in the world. All you have to do is choose a theme that is the closest to your liking.

Don’t worry; all the features are customizable, and all you are doing is choosing a template that will save you work. Also, everything you need for setting up the page can be done using the simple drag and drop mechanism.

Coming soon page builder

As far as the themes go, they are detailed, and most of them are created to suit a certain niche, but of course, they can be used for whatever purpose you find them fitting.

You can expect to find everything from the more neutral, blog-orientated themes to the eye-catching ones orientated towards sales and promotion.

Coming soon page themes

Another great feature of Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode is that it is integrated with Depositphotos. This means that you can search for photos directly from the plugin, which saves a lot of time and keeps the process simpler.

Coming soon page depositphotos
But it doesn’t only save time; it also keeps you focused by not making you jump from tab to tab when searching for photos.


When it comes to the design of the plugin, Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode has the option of rebranding. This allows you to change the name of the plugin, its logo, and its general appearance.

Keep in mind that this is different from white-labeling, considering the fact that with rebranding, you can present the Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin as a completely new/your own product carrying your brand!

You can access the tools for rebranding by clicking “Brands” on the navigation menu.

Brands tab

Clicking on the “Add New Brand” button will open a new menu that holds all of the rebranding options.

These will include the plugin name and short name, custom plugin site URL, company name, company site URL, and the option to write a note.

Just a heads up, the note will be only visible to you and will function as an organizational aid.

Plugin visuals tab

In the same menu, you will also see another section titled “Plugin Visuals”. Here you can completely change the look of the plugin by:

  • Choosing the main brand color either by picking a color or using hexadecimal code. This is the color that will be used as the accent color in most places.
  • Uploading your own custom logo.
  • Adding custom admin CSS for any interventions you want to do using the script.
  • Listing your services and present links in the “Content” box.
  • Adding a footer copyright

Lastly, as far as the content on the page is concerned, the Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin, as of late, has the option of having 2-columns text and a custom divider.


The package that is offered by the Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin for creating coming soon pages also includes a myriad of tools for managing and analyzing SEO, not to mention collecting e-mail addresses.

On top of that, you can also integrate all of your coming soon pages with whichever email marketing tool you are using, and you can control all of them from the off-site dashboard.

Taking all of this into consideration, you will surely be satisfied with the Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin and whichever version of it you choose.