So you have your website up and running? Great, but after a while, you will want to see how it’s doing. Well, that’s where website checkers come in. These tools are actually quite simple to use but can bestow upon you a whole lot of data through which you can assess the overall health of your website and decide on the next step you need to take. And given that the analysis really doesn’t take very long, you can react pretty much immediately and correct the problems you see.
Just by copying and pasting a website’s (or a page’s) URL, you can reach all sorts of interesting metrics with a click of a button.
If you know anything at all about website development, you will appreciate how important this kind of information can be – it’s like getting your website’s complete medical chart through which you can decide what can be done to improve its overall condition. Some technical aspects may need tweaking, or maybe some images are too big, or maybe your titles need to be changed. Whatever the case, with the right tool you can detect and start addressing any problem.
But which is the right tool? As you probably know, there are loads of solutions for every problem on the internet, so finding the right one may not always be easy. However, with the following five website checkers you simply cannot go wrong. So let’s learn all about them!
Ubersuggest is known in the world of web developers for a whole list of very good reasons. One of them is that it also serves as an excellent website checker.
A big advantage of Ubersuggest is that a huge chunk of its features can be used absolutely free, no questions asked. Yes, there are some daily limits when it comes to the number of analyses you can make, but for an overwhelming majority of users that limit is way above what they really need to analyze their website’s performance. In this respect, no other website checker can hold a candle to Ubersuggest.
Additionally, the tool can crawl through up to 150 pages on your website and show you exactly what you need to fix and improve.
From page speed to the most important SEO elements and even backlinks leading up to your website, everything will be analyzed. You can even check what your competition is doing and who’s linking to them, plus you will also be given a step-by-step guide on how to fix anything that’s keeping your SEO rank down.
But perhaps the thing Ubersuggest is most famous for is the way it handles keywords. Now, this is really impressive because you can track up to 20 of them anywhere in the world (for free, of course) and see which keywords your competition is focusing on. As a matter of fact, the tool will even provide you with ideas as to which keyword to focus on, and it will base its suggestions on a variety of reliable sources.
You may be thinking at this point that this is something difficult to use, but that couldn’t be any farther from the truth – the interface is incredibly simple and even a newcomer to the world of SEO will be able to fully grasp it immediately. Oh, and Ubersuggest even has a Google Chrome extension that helps you analyze search queries on Google’s search engine results page (SERP).. Free, of course.
Considering all these features and considering the fact that you get almost the full product for literally nothing, it’s easy to see why Ubersuggest is at the top of our list of the best website checkers. Sure, there are premium plans that remove the aforementioned limitations on the number of queries and stuff like that, but most users won’t need them. Excellent!
Web Dev
Here’s another very comprehensive tool you can use when testing your website’s performance. Web Dev separates the results it finds into four different categories – performance, best practices, SEO, and accessibility – and each will get a score once the audit is finished.
Under the scores, the list of main issues the site has will be shown, and links to detailed instructions on how to fix them will be shown right next to them. Therefore, you can easily take measures to improve your website’s performance. And if you decide to create an account and sign in, you will be able to monitor that performance over time and see how your moves and decisions impact it.
You may be interested to know that Web Dev uses Lighthouse to conduct its audits. Now, Lighthouse is an open-source tool focused primarily on improving the web pages it’s run against, so it’s safe to say Web Dev gives you a very solid basis to work on.
Finally, it should be said that the tests conducted here are executed through a simulated mobile device.
Sitechecker PRO
Another good website checker, Sitechecker PRO focuses more on the technical side of your website and analyses technical SEO for the page you enter. That is not to say that other elements are neglected (quite the contrary, as you will soon see), but the fact is that this tool can do a lot to help you improve your site from a technical perspective.
This includes checking for 404 pages, making sure redirects work, inspecting canonical URLs, checking that the pages’ URLs start with https and not http, etc.
Apart from that, however, you can also get your Google score, see if the size of the images you use is correct and check a page’s descriptions, sizes, H1-H6 tags and do a bunch of other stuff.
The results you get after an SEO website audit are divided into critical errors, warnings, and notices, and that’s the order in which you should resolve them.
Below the results, all issues will be listed individually with links to the pages (150 of them are crawled) where they appear and instructions on how to fix them. So, everything you need to boost your website’s performance is here.
Site Analyzer
Site Analyzer stands out thanks to the fact that you can easily track your rank through it, not just on different devices but in different countries, too. So, if you’re aiming at a particular market, this is a pretty nifty tool to have.
Apart from that, though, you can learn a whole lot about backlinks leading to your site (both follow and nofollow) and see what your competition is doing in that regard. That way, you can maybe find new backlink opportunities you would’ve otherwise missed.
But perhaps the most important aspect of this tool is that it takes into consideration more than 60 elements on the page you submit for analysis, including security, which means you can really get busy and find out whatever you need to know.
From that point on, you can easily start improving things, and as the cherry of top of this delicious data cake, Site Analyzer helps you with keywords, too.
Finally, we will take a quick look at BrightLocal, a product that is slightly different from the other ones mentioned here because it primarily focuses on local SEO. So, if you’re looking to make an impact in your community, this can be the tool that helps you do so. It does a whole bunch of other things too, such as helping you build citations and manage your reputation, but we’re interested in the analytical side of things.
Bright Local can help you make sure your NAP is always correct and will show you an overview of your Google rankings, both for desktop and mobile devices.
Not only that, but you get a whole lot of info about your citations, so you will be able to find your top citations, citations low score, and a whole bunch of other metrics. A great thing to have if you’re a local business looking to get more clients from the surrounding area.
While there sure are a lot of website checkers you can use, these five are always going to get you good results as well as detailed instructions on how to fix the problems that plague the site and thus improve its overall performance. With any of these products, you can immediately fine-tune your strategy and locate the elements that are impeding your growth.
But out of these five, Ubersuggest is a clear favorite, not just because it offers an incredible amount of features for literally nothing but also because it is designed in such a way that anyone can use it, no matter how much experience they have in this field.
With it, you will be able to develop a comprehensive strategy that is bound to give results. But assess your needs first and then make your choice – maybe another tool will still suit you better.