Can you believe Tidy Repo’s been around for a year and a half? Me neither. So let me start off by thanking all of you who have kept with us, kept reading, and made us a trusted source for finding amazing plugins.
For the last couple of months, Jack and I have been working on some changes to make the site even better. Don’t worry, we’re not re-inventing the wheel. Tidy Repo is always going to be a place to find the best plugins around. But we thought we could do a bit more. So I’d say now is as good a time as any to call this Tidy Repo v2.0.
First up, how do you like the new digs? The design has always kind of been of an ancillary skill for me. So I thought I would hand over the reins to Jack, who does amazing work at his own design agency, Voltronik. I’m quite pleased with the outcome, and I hope you are too. We didn’t go too off script, but in general, Jack made everything a bit lighter, tighter and more pleasing all around. We’ve also managed to sneak in a few cool features that we’ll continue to refine, like the ability to view meta information (downloads, rating, etc.) right from a plugin’s page. So be sure to let us know what you think.
Next, we have really been thinking about the best way to provide value to you, the readers. We love that some of you rely on us for all of your plugin discovery needs, but we also want to capitalize a bit on the reputation we have to give you all something back. The first thing we decided to do is focus up a bit. Each week, we’ll be reviewing two plugins, one premium and one free. Time and time again, I’ve heard people tell me they want more coverage of premium plugins out there, as they can be the hardest to deal with. So we’ll be doing just that. This weekly number may go up at some point, but for now, our aim is to give detailed reviews and walkthroughs of great plugins and sort through all the duds.
But wait, there’s more. Starting this week, we are going to be offering you as much as we can. This week, the team behind Google Places Reviews have given a generous discount to our readers. We’re hoping to have more of this as the weeks go on.
I also am going to start writing more in-depth comparisons and guides. I’ve heard a lot that people don’t know which plugin to pick in a certain category (which caching plugin do I use?), or want deeper dives into some of the more complex plugins out there. Each month, I’m going to set aside an article to plunge in and start really figuring this out. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
And to keep you informed of all the great deals and new updates, we’ve also launched a Newsletter this week. You can sign up for it to your right on the sidebar. I promise, no spam. I’ll just send a quick update every week to tell you what’s going on, and hopefully, share a few links you might find helpful.
So here we are, a year and a half in. We have a ton of ideas. We’re going to keep this going. My goal is to make Tidy Repo the stop for quality plugins, period. I’m hoping you will all come along for the ride.
– Jay