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Tidy Repo

The best & most reliable WordPress plugins


Post Snippets

Add snippets of code or custom shortcodes by adding code samples in your admin panel. A basic templating language allows you to specify where variables should be inserted into code, and adds a button to TinyMCE to add snippets to posts.



Testimonials Widget

Add Testimonials to your site using a custom post type with specific custom fields. Testimonials can be added to WordPress using a shortcode, a built-in widget or template tags.

Page, Premium



If you are developing a WordPress theme, you need to make sure that your theme is compliant with the Theme Review Guidelines. This plugin automatically checks to make sure your theme is up to spec. in your admin panel.

Developer, Theme


Comments Not Replied To

Keep track of which comments have been replied to right from your admin panel. A new row will appear in your comments admin section that indicates whether or not it has been replied to, or it is from the post author.

Admin, Comments


Email Address Encoder

Automatically encode every email address in your posts and pages to protect it from spammers and attackers. Uses decimal and hexadecimal entities so there's no Javascript or extra code.

Page, Security


Meteor Slides

Add slideshows to your site using the jQuery cycle plugin. Pick from several different transitions, and organize slides into multiple slideshows. Add them to your posts or pages with a shortcode, function or widget.


Free Debug Bar Plugin for WordPress

Debug Bar

Places a button in your admin bar that gives you troubleshooting information for each page that you are on, including PHP Errors, SQL queries, HTTP Requests and a full server rundown. Develop WordPress sites faster and more efficiently, with all of your debugging info in one place.



Quick Page/Post Redirect

Add redirects to your site, either on a post by post basis using a metabox provided at the bottom of your post editor, or using the Quick 301 Redirects feature for any page or directory. Global override options are also available and customizable.




Improves search automatically by building a more comprehensive index then WordPress out of the box. Options to customize what gets included in the index, caching options, and fine-tuned control, and works with existing search forms.

Navigation, Page, Premium


Editorial Calendar

Manage your posts using a calendar interface. Easily drag posts from one day to another, schedule your drafts and view all of your upcoming and past posts in a full page calendar layout.



Password Protected

Hide your entire WordPress site behind password protection. Any users visiting your site will be greeted by a login page which prompts them for a password that you specify.



Smooth Scroll Up

Add a simple "Scroll to Top" button to the bottom right of every one of your posts. There are three styles to chose from, and everything is kept very lightweight. Typography and colors are inherited from your theme styles.
