The best & most reliable WordPress plugins
Track the analytics of your RSS feed, and integrate with WordPress so you can redirect and customize your feeds automatically.
Add stripe payment forms to your site with a single shortcode with lots of customizable parameters, for any amount.
Add a subscription form to posts, author pages and comments, so users can subscribe to your site without setting up an account, and respond to comments in your site right from their email inbox.
Use a shortcode to add a styled info card listing plugins from the WordPress plugin repository anywhere on your posts or pages.
Add responsive and mobile-friendly lightboxes to images and galleries in WordPress automatically, which integrates with WordPress defaults.
Perform a security scan in WordPress that indicates common problems with your WordPress install or server, with solutions for addressing each issue.
Use the Profile Builder plugin for WordPress to easily set up registration pages, login pages, and edit profile pages on your site's front-end with shortcodes.
Enables the popular Markdown syntax in your post editor for posts, pages, and custom post types, with a help bar to guide you along.
Test your WordPress site's responsive design across a number of device sizes, with a bookmarklet in your admin toolbar.
Add an approximate reading time for your WordPress posts to the top or bottom of the page, so users will know how long it will take them.
Takes all of the CSS and JavaScript files loaded by plugins and themes, and combines them into one file to make your site quicker.
View pagespeed analytics right in the WordPress admin, and run automated tests to check every page on your site