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Tidy Repo

The best & most reliable WordPress plugins


Gist GitHub Shortcode

Using a simple shortcode, you can embed any GitHub gist into posts or pages, or specify a file within a gist to embed.



Restrict Author Posting

Restrict users to a single category using a drop-down menu in the user's profile. Restricted users will only be able to publish to the category they are assigned to.

Admin, Editing


Login With Ajax

Easily add an AJAX login form to the front-end of your WordPress site on any post using a shortcode. Users can login, view their profile or register.



DW Question & Answer

Set up a personalized KnowledgeBase or question and answer section on your WordPress site, with AJAX support and customizable permissions and notifications.

Comments, Page



Easily add multiple authors to posts in WordPress just as you would tags, and automatically replace the author link on the front-end.

Editing, Page



Compress and minify static CSS stylesheets and Javascript files to increase the performance and page load on your site automatically.



Rename wp-login.php

Make the URL of your login page a bit easier to remember and protect against certain kinds of brute force attacks by changing it.

Admin, Security

Freemium Print Friendly & PDF Plugin

Print Friendly & PDF

Add a print button to the bottom of WordPress posts and pages so that users get a consistent printing style and experience, or export to PDF.

Page, Premium


WP Google Fonts

Insert any Google Font into your WordPress site, then simply select what elements you want to apply that font too in the admin panel, with support for custom CSS.

Page, Typography

Freemium WordPress Duplicator Plugin

WordPress Duplicator

Make a copy of your site's database and files, and then upload a special script via FTP to any server and easily move all of your site's contents in minutes.

Admin, Developer, Premium

Free Tabify Edit Screen Plugin

Tabify Edit Screen

Choose which pieces of the WordPress editor to group together, so that it's a little bit more organized. Customize for each post type, and turn on or off with a checkbox.

Admin, Editing


Post Types Order

Use a drag and drop panel in the WordPress admin to automatically rearrange and sort your posts in whatever output you want, then see the effects immediately.

Admin, Page, Premium