The best & most reliable WordPress plugins
WordPress has the tendency to format things - even though you don't want it to. This is where Raw HTML plugin comes to the rescue!
Classic Editor plugin is the plugin to install if you need the good-old editor instead of Gutenberg.
Plugin Organizer is a handy plugin that can help you organize, arrange, and get the most out of your numerous plugins.
Increase Maximum Upload File Size is a rather handy WordPress plugin, that allows you to increase your website's upload limit with no coding skills required!
This simple & free plugin allows you to display the server information directly on your website. Knowing the IP address, memory limits and PHP version can help you manage the server and keep the site well-maintained.
This free plugin allows you to create a Facebook-like link preview for any link that you publish. Customize the image and text to create a link preview that will be unique to your WordPress site.
Encode mailto links, email addresses, phone numbers or any other text of your choice to hide it from spam-bots and data harvesters.
Improve SEO and visitor experience by correctly handling all redirects on your WordPress site. The plugin is ideal for new blogs or repairing links after re-organizing existing WordPress content.
Even if you're not a developer, you will probably have to make modifications to .htaccess file every now and then. This plugin makes it easy for you - edit .htaccess via WordPress admin, and let it create backups so you don't have to worry about what will happen if you make a mistake.
MailOptin is a plugin that will help you with lead generation, customer acquisition, autoresponder and email marketing as well as automation plugin that allows you to grow and engage your mailing list, visitors and customers.
Simple to use yet effective redirect manager, the Redirection plugin helps you gain all the benefits that guiding your traffic to where you want it can bring your website and business.
Create self-expiring, automatic login links for your WordPress blog so you can give access to users without having them use usernames & passwords.