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Tidy Repo

The best & most reliable WordPress plugins

Help Us Figure Out the Future of Tidy Repo

Help Us Figure Out the Future of Tidy Repo

Jay Hoffmann

December 1, 2014 (modified on May 25, 2018)


As some of you may know, Tidy Repo has been around for over a year and a half. In that time, I’ve added lots of plugins to the repo (we hit 200 last week!), and have had quite a few people come through the site. And though I got a new partner last month, and we are feverishly working on a new design as we speak, the site itself has not changed all that much.

That’s not to say I haven’t gotten feedback. Probably most often, I’ve heard that people need a little bit more assistance when it comes to getting plugins set up on their site. Whether that be tutorials that are more tailored to somebody’s specific needs, or just more comparison articles so they know what plugin to use for a particular kind of job. After thinking about this for quite some time, Jack and I have decided to take our first step in this direction by creating a premium section in Tidy Repo. The idea would be to offer people one-on-one help with installing plugins, so they can get things going quickly and be assured that they are using the right plugin at all times.

But there are a couple of different ways for us to do this, and probably many more we haven’t thought of. So we’d like your help in figuring it out. If you have a couple of seconds, please consider filling out the poll below to let us know what you would prefer. And please, make use of the “other” option to let us know something we may have missed.

Our goal here is to simplify the plugin discovery process. We’re always going to do that, but you can help us figure out what that might look like in the future.

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Thank you so much! We’ll be letting you know more very soon.